
MAGNA has participated as a good practice example in the field of environmental innovation in the conference “Organizations with Socially Responsible Strategies in Environment, Contributions to Society and Governance”, organized in Zaragoza by DIRSE (Spanish Association of Directors of Social Responsibility), in collaboration with Ibercaja, CEOE and the Aragon Social Responsibility Plan.

The Deputy General Manager, Jorge Baños, has pointed out that in our days “sustainability defines our industrial era” and has stressed the importance of workshops like this one in which organizations from different sectors share actions and experience of social innovation.

Baños has explained projects, developed by the company, that promote the circular economy with the development of new refractory materials from recycled refractory, minimizing the creation of waste; LIFE REMPHOS Project for phosphate removal from wastewater through the use of magnesium; and the Plan of Integrated Restoration of the mineral deposits centered in the rehabilitation of the natural environment and the management of the biodiversity under the guidelines of prestigious experts.

During the event, Baños has remarked that the corporate social responsibility of MAGNA is based on its principles and values, and they act from the conviction that sustainability should have a leading role “in our strategy as business”.
On the other hand, Magna has explained its research to evaluate its commitment to the environment in which they operate, analysis based on the SROI methodology (Social Return on Investment). This initiative, which has been detailed by Arantxa Iraizoz, consulting partner in JPI, is part of a broader plan of action for the transformation and improvement of the company.

In the workshop, organizations such as Innobasque, Sorigué and the Aragonese Development Institute have also participated and about one hundred people have attended the talks.