In: Community

Magnesitas Navarras has supported the workshop on “Effective use of resources and the Circular Economy”, held in Pamplona within the framework of the LIDERA Corporate Social Responsibility Forum.

Pilar Pérez de Asís, the head of the department of the Environment and Sustainable Development, attended the Forum on behalf of the company. In a round table, she defended the idea that “any economic activity must integrate the circular economy strategy in its DNA”. Furthermore, she emphasised the need to work closely together in order to achieve sustainable development, while the mining sector is an essential part of the welfare society.

In this respect, the head of Sustainable Development explained the work that this company is conducting in order to make the most of the mineral resources, with regard to energy efficiency and less plastic consumption. Considering the circular economy from a wider point of view, contemplating the chain of consumption, she gave as an example a new LIFE project that Magna is implementing in order to recover the refractory materials at the end of their useful life.

The event, which was led by María Mendiluce, the Director at the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, revolved around the circular economy as the pathway of the future and an opportunity for enterprises from a financial and environmental point of view. Representatives of the Navarra mining associations and other companies in the sector were also present.